surface cleaning training


Germs are invisible, so it can be hard for students to visualise just how easily they can spread.

Glow 2 Show Powder simulates germs. It is very fine so it is almost invisible when dusted onto a hand or a surface, but hit it with the UV light and you’ll be able to track how the powder has been spread by the students’ hands.

See how a handshake can spread germs from one person to the next to the next. Understand how just touching a doorknob can pick up a cold virus.

Glow 2 Show Powder

The Handshake Demonstration

So why were we all fist bumping and elbow knocking during the pandemic?

Because shaking hands is a great way to spread germs.

Try this…

  1. Line up six to eight students.
  2. Dust the first person’s right hand with Glow 2 Show Powder
  3. Have them shake hands with the next person in the line.
  4. Have that person turn and shake hands with the next person… and so on
  5. Shine the UV torch on each student’s hand. You will see that Powder has been transferred all the way down the line.
  6. Explain that bacteria can be similarly transferred. If the first person had just sneezed or coughed in their hand, it would be germs and not powder that was transmitted to other people.

This demonstration uses Glow 2 Show Powder to simulate germs and shows that it is not just the person with whom you are shaking hands that can infect you, it is everything and everyone that they have touched.

shaking hands

The Tennis Ball Demonstration

Here’s a sneaky demonstration…

  1. Dust a tennis ball with Glow 2 Show Powder.
  2. When the students arrive, have them pass the tennis ball around the group. e.g. Tell them to hold the ball as they introduce themselves.
  3. After a few minutes of talking about how germs spread, grab the UV light and shine it on the students. You will see glowing Powder on hands, faces, nostrils, ears and even crotches.

This demonstration shows how easily germs can be passed from hands to faces. This shows the need for careful handwashing.

tennis ball
makeup brush

Come with a bonus applicator brush

powder unlit

Glow 2 Show Cross Contamination Training

Teach students how germs are passed from objects to hands and from hands to other hands. Glow 2 Show Powder is almost invisible in normal light, but glows under UV light.


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